Ian Hughes Ian Hughes

Surventrix Connect 24 Photos

On the 31st January 2024, we were delighted to launch our first event for Surventrix at thestudio in Birmingham. A big thank you to everyone who supported this sold out event, it was a fantastic day to remember.

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Ian Hughes Ian Hughes

How have drones impacted building surveying?

Drones, also known as unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs), have become increasingly popular in surveying, particularly in the evaluation and inspection of buildings. With their ability to capture high-resolution, high-quality images and data, drones have revolutionised how we approach building surveying, making the process quicker, more accurate and cost-effective.

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Ian Hughes Ian Hughes

Mission statements for surveying firms: how to write one

Can you explain the purpose of your surveying firm in just a few words? In addition to providing clear direction for future growth, a mission statement can help you differentiate yourself from the competition. These steps from Surventrix will help you create a mission statement that resonates with your clients and you.

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Ian Hughes Ian Hughes

Growing your surveying firm from £250k to £500k? Here’s how to do it.

To go from £250k to £500k is an ambitious goal for any small business. In your Surveying Firm, it’s no longer all about you, but about how well the team works together. These challenges often prevent small surveying firms from growing beyond £200k. As a surveyor, you can implement several strategies to grow your business and expand your client base.

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Ian Hughes Ian Hughes

How to improve your firm's website in 10 easy steps

In order to make sales, surveyors' websites should generate leads, build trust with their audiences, share expertise, and attract new talent. The cornerstone of your digital marketing strategy is your website. In this article, Surventrix wants to help you and your business make a big impact.

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Ian Hughes Ian Hughes

Surventrix launches new Diary feature

Surventrix has added an updated Diary Tool to the platform, enabling you to manage your teams effortlessly.

Within the diary tool, you can easily view jobs waiting to be assigned to a surveyor. You can also view each booked instruction at the click of a button.

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