Report writing - Surventrix

Creating a better report writing experience

Customise Surventrix to work the way you do.

Getting Started

The Surventrix web platform is an all-in-one software platform designed to help you prepare and edit survey reports.

When setting up with Surventrix, our helpful support team will get to know you and the way you want to work. The following questions are a great starting point:

  • Do I want to integrate my report writing process into Surventrix or write reports using other tools such as MS Word?

  • Do I want to access Custom Paragraphs during report compilation to speed up my writing?

  • Do I want the system to create attachments and photo sheets for me?

  • How important is the iOS app and site data capture to my process and to support workflow?

  • Do I want to utilise pre-set report formats such as the RICS Home Survey Suite or the Surventrix templates which can be fully branded and customised with with company branding applied?

All of these being key considerations when approaching the topic of survey types, which once answered, will yield massive performance benefits to the report writing aspect of your business.

Surventrix Reports & RICS Reports

Survey Types

Survey types are the format for each instruction that is created.

Survey types have many configurable settings which play a key part in many aspects of the Surventrix process, for example:

  • Quotes - Titles, descriptions and attachments of the survey type are used in the quote process to help the client choose the right one for them

  • Instruction format - How will the surveyor prepare the report and what is the template?

  • Peer Review & Audit - Will a double signature be required? are images mandatory? what guidance notes would you like to add?

These survey type options have been developed with our years of combined experience in Residential, Commercial, Valuation and Survey templates for all specialisms.

Standard Paragraphs
and Reporting

If a fully integrated reporting solution is desired with the use of form reports, it can be complimented with the application of Standard Paragraphs. We provide hundreds for you to get started with for each survey element.

These can be used in all form reports, whether 'off the shelf' from Surventrix or your own custom built variants both in our web application and in the field with the mobile app.

The use of standard paragraphs can drastically cut the reporting time taken and for larger firms help regulate the quality of the reports generated. This will ensure consistency across a large surveyor base, not to mention minimising risks associated with defect reporting!

One system, that does it all