Surveyor CRM - Surventrix

Grow with Surventrix

A CRM and quote tool that will help win you more business faster. From Contact management to Activity Management and Integrations with Stripe, you can streamline the process to suit and hit your goals faster.

Creating a quote

Surventrix Quote

The Surventrix quotation tool represents what you communicate to the client to help them understand your business and the type of service they are about to purchase. Quote settings also govern your contact methods and quote validity period.

Depending on the type of work you will be delivering to your client, you can create multiple quotes, fully customised and branded to your business. Your branding, messaging and associated documents will be featured, saving you lots of time.


Configuring your quotation settings yields a robust quotations process that clearly and efficiently sells your company’s services and allows segregated lines of communication, along with simple administration of the quote lifecycle from ‘Open’ to ‘Accepted’ or ‘Expired’ in easy to follow steps.

All the details for your quote will be saved and can be edited at anytime. Following acceptance, our automation process moves your quote straight in to the instruction process.

Surventrix PRO users can add an automated payment option for the client, or you can simply provide BACS details or invoice the client from your own system.

As part of our setup we will create a sample quote into your account to get you started. In addition default settings will be applied which you can then change should you wish.

View the quote process

In this video, Ian Bullock from Surventrix demonstrates how to
create a quote in Surventrix.

One system, that does it all