What surveyors should be doing to market themselves in 2024

The surveying profession, like many others, finds itself at a crossroads between traditional practices and digital technology. Due to this, surveying firms have also changed the way they market themselves.

What is the best way for surveyors to market themselves in such a dynamic environment?

Your website is crucial

Your website serves as your digital storefront in 2024, and a robust online presence is non-negotiable. It's not enough to just have a website; it needs to resonate with your audience. 

Focus on creating an aesthetically pleasing, user-friendly, and informative website this year. In today's world, everyone uses their phones and tablets, so it must be mobile-friendly.

The goal isn't just to look good. You should clearly explain how you can solve your clients' problems on your website. In addition, you should include clear calls-to-action (CTAs) on your website so that potential clients know what to do.

Business-to-business (B2B) and consumer buyers alike rely on online resources to make decisions. Your online presence is often the first point of contact if you follow up on a referral or conduct a direct search for ‘surveyors in Bristol’ or ‘property surveyors for heritage building’.

It may initially be your search ranking that draws them to your site, but it is your first impression and the content they find that keeps them. It is essential that your website convinces visitors that you are an expert in their field, have experience, understand their business, and are affordable.

Your website should include the following to ensure effective communication:

  • Your service pages should be detailed and clear.

  • Credibility and trust are built with case studies, testimonials, and team profiles.

  • Give examples of how you have worked with specific types of properties.

Using your blog, you can also demonstrate your expertise and commitment in specific areas. You should include posts that demonstrate your expertise and dedication if you claim expertise in working with heritage buildings on your blog, for example.

It is important that your website's content not only provides depth and keeps it current, but also serves as a cornerstone for various marketing strategies. It can affirm your connection to a specific region or industry, indicate your brand personality, and most importantly, address your audience's questions, encouraging them to take action.

A website's content and design should work together to not only attract visitors but also convert them into clients by showing your expertise, relevance, and value.

The blogosphere

Blogs allow you to showcase your expertise, but they are also an effective way to improve your website's SEO (Search Engine Optimisation).

Publish high-quality, relevant content consistently to position yourself as an authority in your field while improving your website's search engine ranking. As a result, your website is more likely to appear when potential clients search for surveyor advice or services.

Do not, however, overuse industry jargon in your blogs. Informative but understandable is the key. It's important to keep in mind that you're writing for a variety of readers, some of whom may not be as familiar with numbers as you are. You can easily promote these to customers and clients via social media, including Facebook, LinkedIn, Instagram and Twitter.

Surventrix tip:
The human eye beats the computer when it comes to writing blogs - and that's where we come in. In addition to targeting your market, ensure traffic to your website is generated through your blogs.

It's not just about keywords when it comes to SEO

You can boost your SEO through keywords in your blog, but SEO goes beyond content. User-friendly navigation, mobile responsiveness, and site speed are important technical SEO factors. Researching keywords is also crucial. You should integrate keywords naturally into your content based on what your clients are searching for.

However, don't go overboard. User experience is more important to search engines than keyword stuffing. Keywords are important, but don't compromise your content's quality or readability for the sake of keywords.

Surventrix tip:
Assess your website with the help of SEO experts. With our proven track record, we have improved rankings in search engines and driven traffic to sites that generate quality leads.

Taking part in networking events and networking

Despite the power of digital marketing, never underestimate the power of personal interaction. Getting involved in networking events, conferences, and seminars is an excellent way to establish relationships, learn about industry trends, and establish yourself as a thought leader.

Attend these events prepared. Consider QR codes that link to your LinkedIn profile or website in addition to your business cards. Follow up with your new connections promptly after the event by engaging in meaningful conversations, listening more than you speak, and listening more than you speak.

Our sold out Surventrix Connect event in January was a fantastic place to network with peers, find contacts and generate new business opportunities. And Surventrix will be bringing the event back for 2025. Watch this space!

Surventrix Connect 24 - Surventrix CRM and Reporting tool

An integrated approach

Finally, make sure all your marketing efforts are integrated. Websites, blogs, SEO strategies, and your presence at events should all tell the same story about who you are and what you do. The key to success is consistency. When potential clients visit your website, read your blog, or meet you in person, they should receive the same message and see the same level of professionalism.

In Surventrix, you can feature your branding across your client quotations for that extra wow factor. Contact us today to find out how we can help improve this process helping you to be more different, relevant and preferred.

Surveyor CRM - Surventrix

Surventrix tip:
Not sure what your marketing strategy should be? Don't wait! Get started right away! A great marketing idea is useless if it stays in the boardroom. 

In conclusion

Surveyor marketing in 2024 is more than self-promotion; it's about building relationships, creating value, and keeping up with the digital curve. Your firm cannot do without it; it's no longer optional. 

In a world where the rules of engagement are constantly evolving, you must remain visible, accessible, and relevant. Take advantage of these strategies, and use them to promote your surveying skills!

Book a demo with Surventrix today and find out how we can support your business.


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