A new insights tool is launched by Surventrix to enhance data offerings for clients.

Surventrix, a technology provider for surveyors, has launched its latest insights tool. As a result, account owners can make data a critical part of their growth strategy.

With Insights, partners can monitor key performance metrics within Surventrix stats area. Additionally, it incorporates a data-driven approach to performance analysis for surveying firms.

By gaining a holistic and consolidated view of quotations and instruction data, partners can track trends from sales to product type and more. This gives actionable insights and enables more effective resource allocation and planning.

Key use cases include monitoring and filtering:

  • Quotations by status

  • Quotations by partner category

  • Revenue from accepted quotes

  • Instructions by surveyor

  • Instructions by referral category

  • Total fees per surveyor

  • Average reporting times per surveyor

Ian Bullock - Sales Director at Surventrix said:

“We know from our research that surveyors are wrestling with how to use the data they have at their fingertips to transform and grow their business, and our aim in launching enhanced Partner Insights is to help overcome these challenges." By providing a single source of truth for transactional data, we’re empowering partners to make more informed decisions, optimise their operations and compete effectively. We’re excited to take our data offering to the next level for our clients across the UK.

Surventrix Insights are available to all Surventrix clients across all Surventrix packages. 

Book a demo with the Surventrix team today.


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